Developing graphic recording and sketchnoting skills

Are you curious about the field or building your skills? Here are a few resources:

Creating notes that incorporate drawing, different scales of lettering, or and other visual cues help you remember and make sense of conversations, presentations or information. Here’s a couple TED talks explaining the value:


Sketchnoting for teachers and students

Graphic Recording

Large scale documentation done live to capture discussions, presentations, meetings, panel discussions using words and pictures. Graphic recorders listen, synthesize, and make visual what they hear. As a graphic recorder, I often work alongside a facilitator who is running the meetings. I’m there to capture what happens.


Online Courses:


Visual Facilitation:

Visual facilitators help you design the whole process of change - working closely with clients to plan meetings that incorporate visual templates or live drawing along with capturing the important content to help groups of people meet a goal, reach consensus, or successfully navigate change. I don’t provide visual facilitation services but I can refer you to people I work with who can.

And, the International Forum of Visual Practitioners (IFVP) holds an annual conference and shares resources regularly.

Amy Sparks

With over a decade of working with boards, committees and community members in small nonprofits, a brief stint as an illustrator, and training in counseling, coaching and visual processes, Amy jumped into the world of illustration and visual summaries.