Developing graphic recording and sketchnoting skills

Are you curious about the field or building your skills? Here are a few resources:

Creating notes that incorporate drawing, different scales of lettering, or and other visual cues help you remember and make sense of conversations, presentations or information. Here’s a couple TED talks explaining the value:


Sketchnoting for teachers and students

Graphic Recording

Large scale documentation done live to capture discussions, presentations, meetings, panel discussions using words and pictures. Graphic recorders listen, synthesize, and make visual what they hear. As a graphic recorder, I often work alongside a facilitator who is running the meetings. I’m there to capture what happens.


Online Courses:


Visual Facilitation:

Visual facilitators help you design the whole process of change - working closely with clients to plan meetings that incorporate visual templates or live drawing along with capturing the important content to help groups of people meet a goal, reach consensus, or successfully navigate change. I don’t provide visual facilitation services but I can refer you to people I work with who can.

And, the International Forum of Visual Practitioners (IFVP) holds an annual conference and shares resources regularly.

Learning about Procreate

I do virtual graphic recording using Procreate and have been appreciating the multitude of people sharing tools and resources that have helped me learn. Here’s a few of my favorites.

The workflow of a digital scribe - Linda at

Intro to Procreate - Bardot Brush

Procreate for Beginners - Every Tuesday

Tutorials, drawing, and brushes - Bardot Brush

A variety of Procreate tutorials - iPad Calligraphy

Malgosia’s top 8 tips video - part of the IFVP Digital Scribing Series

Malgosia’s PDF guide to the top eight features of Procreate - part of the IFVP Digital Scribing Series

Using Grid Builder Brushes to create lettering compositions - iPad Calligraphy

Procreate’s manual and support page

Lisa Bardot’s Procreate Facebook Page

How to create a brush in Procreate - Teela Cunningham

How to make a stamp in Procreate - Naptime Alternative on YouTube

And another version: How to make a stamp brush in Procreate

How have you learned Procreate? Any great resources I should add to the list?

The history and field of visual process work

Graphic recording, visual facilitation, sketchnoting, scribing, mind-mapping, and generative scribing are all names for the work that pairs words and images to facilitate groups. Want to learn more about it’s history? Here are four articles by leaders in the field: Kelvy Bird, David Sibbet, Christina Merkely and Susan Kelly.

Mathias Weitbrecht and David Sibbet developed the following map, (with input from many conference participants at the EuViz conference in 2018) in an effort to visualize the entire network of visual practice.

Mathias Weitbrecht and David Sibbet developed the following map, (with input from many conference participants at the EuViz conference in 2018) in an effort to visualize the entire network of visual practice.

Susan Kelly’s image of the visual universe from 2015.

Susan Kelly’s image of the visual universe from 2015.

Read the article and see Christina Merkely’s visuals depicting the history and evolution of graphic facilitation.

Read the article and see Christina Merkely’s visuals depicting the history and evolution of graphic facilitation.